
Publications Authored by Roger D. McConchie: 1998

  1. Chapter on Canada in Libel Defense Resource Center 50-State Survey
    1998-99, Media Libel Law (co-authored with Brian MacLeod Rogers and Marc-André Blanchard). Published in New York, N.Y. [Book]
  2. Book review of “The Law of Contempt In Canada” by Jeffrey Miller, Toronto: Carswell, Thomson Professional Publishing, 1998, published in the “New Books” section of The Advocate, the journal of the Vancouver Bar Association, (1998), Volume 56, pages 447-448.
  3. Political Speech: Commonwealth Courts Define a Modern Defence of Qualified Privilege for the News Media“, paper for 1998 National Media Law Seminar, Toronto, Ontario, November 27 & 28, 1998.
  4. Discriminatory Speech Laws – Brave New Statutory Content Controls for Canadian Journalists“, paper for Society of Professional Journalists Conference, Los Angeles, California, October 23, 1998.
  5. Internet Defamation“, article in Business Law Letter, Issue. No. 44, Regular Edition, Fall, 1998.
  6. Hate Speech and Freedom of the Press, What is to be Done?” – Paper for panel on “Freedom of the Press and the Prevention of Hate”, Hatred in Canada, Perspectives, Action and Prevention, Faculty of Law, University of Victoria, September 18-19, 1998.
  7. Chapter on Canada in Libel Defense Resource Center 50-State Survey
    1998-99, Media Privacy and Related Law (co-authored with Brian MacLeod Rogers and Marc-André Blanchard). Published in New York, N.Y. [Book]
  8. Fair Comment and the Public Interest“, (May 1998), paper for Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia.
  9. Defamation Claims by Dismissed Employees“, article in Labour & Employment law bulletin, May, 1998.